Saturday, April 14, 2012

Brittany's performance and Hunter S Thompson impersonation

This takes place in a dusty boatyard in Guaymas, Mexico. We are in the galley of a sailboat that is high and dry in the yard, getting repairs done.
The couple that own the boat are friends from the Sunshine Coast days, and my scuba diving career.

I will be writing several full reports on the Mexico adventure very soon. You will see Brit ( Pinky ) in those blog posts too, because her non-stop chatter makes for a better video tour of the yard.
I had completely forgotten about this clip until I found it today while looking for Guaymas footage. I am so glad it survived all of the hard drive and lap top meltdowns of recent times.

There is a hilarious Hunter Thompson impression if you want to fast forward to approx the 2:15 section. I have no clue how she managed to pull that one off so perfectly, with not knowing who the guy was, or what he was all about.

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