Sunday, April 15, 2012

John Marian, Beachcomber, Writer, Songsmith

John Marian lives on the Sunshine Coast, where I lived for most of my life. I don't think I ever spoke to him directly, unless to say hello in a country boy kind of way at the Sechelt Post office. I knew him to be a beachcomber, back when that was a reasonable way to make a living. Living in a small, gossipy community, I was also aware that he was a musician..and the the crowning glory was that he had written a book.

We ( fellow Coasters ) knew that once a fella has written a book, all that's left is sitting back and collecting the cheques and shopping for yachts and chasing naked women around. That assumption turns out to be wrong, incorrect and just plain dumb....however...

John was also very vocal on  political issues, either in person at meetings, or in the local newspapers.
The interesting part, was that John looked more like a typical beachcomber, than the political science major that he sounded like. I found it so interesting in later years, how we humans react so much better, when the message and the appearance of the messenger have to match to some sort of pre-existing code we have in our heads.

That works great with advertising, rock stars and TV.....right up until U.S. politics takes the idea on a bad acid trip with all too perfect looking messengers spewing out gibberish and burning money to get to the lead position at the hog trough.

I kind of got away from the the whole John Marian thing there, didn't I?...OK...back to the chore.
The whole purpose of this Sunday morning post is to direct your attention to John's website.
Well, I tripped over it a while ago...and quite enjoyed the beachcombing stories and especially John's original music. The music is expertly written and well's easy to listen takes you away.

I wrote to John in the comments section, and he wrote back, we acknowledged each others existence.
Since then, I have noticed traffic coming to my blog site from John's website, so here I am returning the favour.
Oh and a know that you are in a West Coast frame of mind when you write about "Log Spills I have Loved"

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