Monday, February 6, 2012

Steven Van Zandt....Who Knew ?

OK...I totally missed the boat on the whole Steven Van Zandt story. But...and it's a big but...I have a great excuse. I don't particularly care for Bruce Springsteen.
Does this make any sense so far?
If it does...then you are a Springsteen follower and rabid fan. If you still don't know what the fuck I'm going on about...then you are in the boat that I was in until about an hour ago.

Do you know the TV show "The Sopranos"? OK fine. Do you know the pompadoured  gangster named Silvio Dante in the show?...not to worry...I'll show you some pictures later. That's Steven Van Zandt.

I watched a brand new Netfix produced show tonight featuring Van Zandt as a character looking and sounding very much like Silvio Dante...except this time instead of Jersey....the gangster action is in...( wait for it ) Lillehammer, Norway. ( the show is spelled Lillyhammer )

Some of you are in the loop now...and others are just floating around...waiting for this story to go somewhere.
To the uninitiated, Steven Van Zandt, or "Little Steven" was Bruce Springsteens right hand the days of the E Street Band. He contributed to the familiar guitar riff to "Born to Run". Little Steven plays lead guitar and mandolin with the best of them. He was a boyhood buddy of Bruce Springsteen back in the early  Jersey days.He had several bands on his own after that.

The point of this whole trip is ....I had no clue that the jowly, pompadour wearing gangster, was/is a top notch rock and roll icon. I missed that part, totally and completely.

Here are some clips to enlighten people like me, who just didn't know.

Oh....P.S...."Lillyhammer" the gangster show set in Norway...with a lot of Norwegian very good...and at times funny. I guess we will have to wait and see if Big Tony ever shows up.

WARNING....scenes of violence and foul language in "Sopranos" clips

Warning to sensitive ears in this next one

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